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Thursday, April 17, 2008


My toothpaste is two different colors. Shocking, I know. It's a twist of normal toothpaste that's green and this gel stuff that is also green. How can it be two different colors if it's both green, you ask. Because it's two different shades of green. It's just totally weird. Does anyone else have toothpaste that's more than one color? I read an April fools trick that said to replace the stuffing of an Oreo with toothpaste and watch someone eat it. Not only is that not really nice, it wouldn't work with my toothpaste. An Oreo with two tone green filling isn't very appetizing looking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found another one that I haven't gotten to try yet. Somehow, you suck all the cream out of a cream-filled doughnut, then you fill it back up with shaving cream! I can't wait to try it out on someone!
From Kiwifruit